Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Music Magazine DPS Draft 2

This is my second draft of my music magazine double page spread. I have added three pictures as well as a title stating the featured artist. The finished product should feature more pictures as well as a pull quote. I've decided I am going to add a pull quote as many other magazines use pull quotes from the text such as NME and Kerrang! (The two magazines featured in my case study)

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Music Magazine DPS Draft 1

This is the first draft for the double page spread of my music magazine and so far I have added the actual text for the article that I wrote and also some text in the top right corner which lets the reader know that the story is exclusive to fusion magazine. In the next draft, I plan to add some pictures and a title.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Music Magazine Contents Draft 2

This is the second draft for my music magazine contents page and I have added a subscription box, which I think is necessary as most magazines feature a subscription box on their contents page. I have also added the words "This Week" to the top of the page. This lets the reader know that it is the contents page and it also shows that it is a weekly magazine. I have also added the date and  some text which briefly explains what is featured in the main story of my magazine.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Music Magazine Contents Draft 1

This is the first draft of music magazine contents page. So far I have only placed the magazine's name/masthead on top of the page and I have also positioned the regulars/features on the right side of the page. I plan on adding some text next to the magazine's name at the top of the page which lets the reader know that this is the contents page. I will also add some text on my main cover story and possibly some pictures and a subscription box to the next draft.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Music Magazine Front Cover Draft 3

Music Magazine Front Cover Draft 3
In this draft I have added a red box at the bottom of the magazine front cover containing info on one of the magazines free giveaways. This was placed on the left-side of the magazine as it is the part of the magazine that is seen when displayed on a newsstand. As well as that, the giveaway is shown in a red box, making it easier to see and eye catching as it stands out against the black background. In this draft I have also added some shadow effects to the title and boxes on the front cover. This give them a 3D effect which further adds to the idea of them standing out. Although most magazines have plain fonts and designs on their front covers, I think that these effect are appropriate for a rock magazine as rock magazines are known to have more extravagant designs. 

Friday, 29 November 2013

Music Magazine Front Cover Draft 2

Music Magazine Front Cover Draft 2
In this screenshot you can see that I had decided to change the colour of the masthead to red with a white outline. I did this as I thought it would suit a rock magazine more than a plain white masthead would. As well as that, the idea of having a red masthead with a white outline was taken from one of the magazines in my case study, NME. After finishing off the masthead I decided to ah a few cover lines. As you can see in the screenshot, my main cover line is shown in a red box with a white outline, following the theme used for the masthead. This was done so that it would standout from the rest of the cover lines.  

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Music Magazine Front Cover Draft 1

Music Magazine Front Cover Draft 1

First is set the background colour to black as I had decided that my colour scheme was going to be black, white and red. After I had done that I decided to make my title white as it would make the title stand out against the black background.

Sunday, 17 November 2013


The pictures above are pictures that I have taken that mainly feature instruments and for this reason, I have decided to use most of the pictures in my contents page. Another reason why I have chosen to do this is that they were taken using a mobile phone camera meaning the quality of the picture would be worse when enlarged, meaning I can't use any for the front cover. I've also decided to use some of the pictures in my double page spread as the instruments featured in the picture include guitars and drums and the artist featured in my double page spread story plays the guitar and drums.

These are pictures that are likely to be used for my front cover as they all show the models face. I feel that the second picture is most suited for the front cover as it was the only one of the pictures taken using a DSLR and also it is the only one taken in front of a backdrop and with the lighting setup I wanted.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Call Sheet

James Taasin


Date:  21/11/2013

Time:  2:00pm – 3:00pm

Assignment:  Portfolio Shoot

Location:  LSC/LSC Photography Studio

Client:  James Taasin

Media:  RAW capture for 300dpi and web resolution

Compensation:  Trade

Primary Shoot Contact:  James Taasin

Photographer:  James Taasin/Saifur Rahman

Hair Stylist: Mark Anonuevo

Wardrobe Stylist:  James Taasin

Model 1:  Mark Anonuevo

Model 2:  Saifur Rahman

Model 3:  Dylan Cloud

Specialist Instructions:  The models are to wear plain jumpers, that are not black and that will show contrast/ will not blend in with the back drop.


-          Guitar


2:00pm – 2:10pm Getting ready for the shoot

2:10pm – 2:20pm Setting up the photography equipment

2:20pm – 2:50pm Taking pictures

2:50pm – 3:00pm Packing up the equipment

Concept:  My models will be acting out as a drum/guitar prodigy. I will be taking a close up of Model one to play the role of a drummer as he is suited for the role. I will also be talking a medium shot/close up of model 3 and I will take a shot of Model 2 holding a guitar. All pictures will be taken individually and the as my main cover story features an interview with only one person.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Photography Induction

Photography Induction

  • Trinity flashlights are used and they are called soft-boxes.
- Three of them are used in the photography studio and they each have a test button which is used to test the lighting
- A number is shown at the back of the flashlight - it ranges from 1 to 10 and affects the intensity of the flash.
  • On top of the camera is a transmitter - this allows you to control the flash without having to touch the flashlight. (The receiver is on the flashlight)
  • The DSLR has a dial with settings:
- "A" : Aperture priority
- "S" : Shutter priority - this makes the shutter speed faster
  • Reflector: A round double sided board used to reflect or absorb light. - One side is metallic and the other is not. 
  • Depth of field: Foreground and background both fulfilled
  • Shadow of field: Foreground in focus only
  • Preview shots: Button on the top-left side of the Nikkon camera
  • Model must be 5-6 feet away from the back of the backdrop if you don't want a shadow to show and if you don't want the model's hair or clothes to blend in with the backdrop

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Masthead Ideas

These are the masthead designs I have come up with for my magazine front cover.

- Masthead number 1 has quite a plain font, however I do like how emphasises the letter N.
- Masthead number 2 uses font that it suited for and looks like a font used for a rock magazine. The text have jagged edges and each letter drops down to form a spike giving it a Rock-like theme.
- Masthead number 3 uses a font that looks quite modern and simple. This is a good choice for a magazine masthead font as it is simple and most magazines today use simple fonts.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Magazine Proposal Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback:

Q1. All three respondents have said that they do not think I should change the content of my magazine so I will not change what I had planned.

Q2. The respondents have mentioned that "the colours show contrast" and that "they catch the readers eye and are suited for a rock magazine".

Q3. The respondents have said that they like how my magazine's front cover is set out but my double page spread should include more text. They have also said that my contents page should feature more pictures and that I should change the contents page in order to make it more original and make it differ from other rock magazines.

I will take note of these comments and keep them in mind when editing my music magazine.

Magazine Proposal: Audience Feedback Survey

Click here to take survey

Magazine Proposal

Friday, 18 October 2013

Magazine Distribution

Magazine Distribution
Methods of distributing magazines:
·        Electronic Brand Extension: When Music magazines increase their online presense using social networks such as:
-          Twitter
-          Facebook
-          Instagram
This allows them to spread their message and inform people that follow them on social networking websites/applications.
·        Ezines: Ezines are electronic versions of magazines which have similar features actual magazines such as adverts and page numbers. They are usually available for free and usually feature videos and hyperlinks which redirect the reader to other sources. This is used as another way for them to generate income. One example of an Ezine is RWD.
·        Freemiums: These are magazines, newspapers or issues which are given out for free, usually at stations or other public locations which are quite busy. Since they are free, these magazines make their money off ads. One example of a freemium is Metro.
·        Sale or Return: This is a distribution method often used by magazine and newspaper distributors with a newsstand like WH Smith. This is good for shops like WH Smiths as if they do not sell any copies of a particular magazine, they are returned to the distributors with no cost. This means that there is no risk for shops that do this as they do not lose money if magazines do not sell.
·        Subscrition (Postal or Electronic): This is where customers buy a contract (subscribe) to buy a certain amount of magazines at a certain price for a certain amount of time. This is beneficial for the distributors and customers as they get their magazine regularly and usually at a discounted price. This is good for the distributors as it gives them a core readership for the magazine. This method is also done digitally meaning the magazine can also be read from computers and other devises that have access to the internet.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Newsstand Task

Newsstand Task


From the pictures shown above I have a clear idea of how Tesco had positioned the magazines on their newsstand. Other than the oddly placed food magazine at the front on the newsstand, the magazines on the newsstand appear to be separated by genre. On the top shelf you can see the women's entertainment/fashion magazines while on the bottom shelf there are lifestyle magazines.

All magazines on the newsstand have mastheads that use large and simple fonts. As well as that, all mastheads are written in a colour that stands out against the background colour of the magazine. This makes the masthead stand out and more eye-catching. Also, I've noticed that women's magazines like 'LOOK' as shown in the top right corner of the picture use very feminine fonts and colours. This was done to attract their target audience who are women. Another way in which a magazine can catch the attention of its reader is to feature a celebrity on its front cover. This was done by 'OK!' magazine as shown in the image above in the top right corner. The magazine features Katy Price who is a well known celebrity in the UK.

 Also, all magazines with models have their models looking directly towards the audience, this draws the reader in and creates a connection. Another way in which magazines draw peoples attention is through free giveaways. For example, the magazine in the centre of the top shelf displays a massive coloured strip going across the top of its front cover saying 'FREE...'. The fact that the font is so big means that it'll catch the eye of potential customers passing by. Also, since the magazine is giving something away for free, it gives them a incentive to buy the magazine.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Case Study: Press Packs - Reader Profiles

NME: Reader Profile

Kerrang!: Reader Profile

These are the reader profiles for both NME and Kerrang! magazines. They both have a mean age of 25 for their audience however NME has mentioned that many of their readers are aged between 16 and 24. Due to this, I have decided to target my magazine towards people around the same age range.

Also, NME's audience is made up of 63% males and 37% females. Since NME is one of the UK's most popular rock magazines, I have decided to stick by its statistics and aim to have my gender ratio for my magazine be 60% male and 40% female.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Friday, 11 October 2013

Monday, 7 October 2013

Evaluation - College Magazine

Evaluation: College magazine


What went well?

-         Layout and Text:

The teasers placed on the left-hand side of the page. This makes it easier for to see while the magazine is on display, and it also gives the reader a tastes of what kind of content will be featured in the magazine. As well as that, the main cover line is shown on the right-hand side of the page where it is set apart from all of the teasers on the left side of the page. This helps distinguish between the main cover story and the stories used for teasers. The text shown on the front cover is written in bright colours which makes it stand out. This will catch the eye of the reader.

-          Images:

The images used for the contents page relate to what’s being featured. This allows the reader to actually see what they will be reading about and it also creates interest. As well as that, the model featured in the image on the front page is looking directly at the audience which creates a connection

Audience Feedback:

The Headline text stands out due to its bright colour and outline making it look appealing to the audience. The colours complement each other, but you should have added more images to the front cover and a more appealing background. Different styles of fonts would be a good idea. The Contents page looks great, the image of the piano was a good idea, it makes the contents page stand out. The variety of colours make the text stand out again. A good quantity and range of images

What do I need to improve on?

-          The masthead needs to be bigger, which will make it more noticeable.

-          The teaser, main cover line and the image of the model also need to be bigger in order to make them more noticeable.

-          Images: The image used for the front cover needs to be centred. Also, the contents page needs to feature images relating to all stories featured in the magazine.

-          Editing: I will need to improve upon my editing skills in order to make the magazine look more professional.

-          Equipment: The images were taken using a mobile phone camera, which produces images of low quality compared to a DSLR. For the next project, I will use better equipment and take the photographs in a photography studio.

-          Fonts: The fonts used in for both the front page and contents page of the magazine are quite dull and unexciting.

-          Colour scheme: I need to use a colour scheme that seems more fun and exciting in order to catch the reader’s attention. It will also need to be relevant to the content or genre of the magazine.

College Magazine

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Photoshop Workshop 1

Photoshop Workshop 1
Create a new file: 'File' > 'new' or 'Ctrl' + 'n'
- Then set pre-sets to international paper and choose A4
Set rulers: 'View' > 'rulers'
- Then hover over the rulers and drag them in towards the page to create a 1cm boarder - one on each side.
Zoom in and out: 'Ctrl' and '+' = Zoom in,    'Ctrl' and '-' = Zoom out
Re-sizing an image or text: 'Ctrl' and 't'
- Hold shift to re-size an image without it going out of proportion, then click on the arrow tool to make the image clear again.
Change text colour: Highlight the text and click on the colour picker
Eraser tool: Can be used to rub out parts of the layer you are on