Methods of distributing magazines:
Electronic Brand Extension: When Music magazines increase their online presense using
social networks such as:
This allows them to spread their message and inform people
that follow them on social networking websites/applications.
Ezines: Ezines are electronic versions of
magazines which have similar features actual magazines such as adverts and page
numbers. They are usually available for free and usually feature videos and
hyperlinks which redirect the reader to other sources. This is used as another
way for them to generate income. One example of an Ezine is RWD.
Freemiums: These are magazines, newspapers or
issues which are given out for free, usually at stations or other public
locations which are quite busy. Since they are free, these magazines make their
money off ads. One example of a freemium is Metro.
Sale or Return: This is a distribution method often
used by magazine and newspaper distributors with a newsstand like WH Smith.
This is good for shops like WH Smiths as if they do not sell any copies of a
particular magazine, they are returned to the distributors with no cost. This
means that there is no risk for shops that do this as they do not lose money if
magazines do not sell.
Subscrition (Postal or Electronic): This is where customers buy a contract
(subscribe) to buy a certain amount of magazines at a certain price for a
certain amount of time. This is beneficial for the distributors and customers
as they get their magazine regularly and usually at a discounted price. This is
good for the distributors as it gives them a core readership for the magazine.
This method is also done digitally meaning the magazine can also be read from
computers and other devises that have access to the internet.